
Bright Blue, chapbook published by Dancing Girl Press

There’s More to Say on the Subject than I’ll Ever Be Able to Articulate So I Shouldn’t Even Bother, These Vessels, Self Portrait - Sprawled On an Itchy Brown Rug, Wicked Alice

Self Medication, The Finger

After the Fact, you and i, Something Else, Fractal Magazine

New Moon in Spiritfarer, Stardew Valley & Sobriety, Button Mashed Potatoes

Things That Exist, Georgette, The Ekphrastic Review

Darkness, The Daily Drunk


Attention vs. Affection, In Parentheses


Bread Hands, a 10-minute play, The Brooklyn Review
Kennedy Center American College Theater Festival regional finalist

How I Discovered My Uncle Was a Hell’s Angel, a 10-minute play
Theater Kalamazoo Featured Playwright